Sunday, October 26, 2008


This is the doll quilt after washing and drying. All puffy, crinkly and soft.

It came out better than I had hoped.

The good news is that I have no use what-so-ever for a doll quilt, unless G.I Joe wants to use it for an emergency shelter....

That means it's up for grabs, leave a comment if you like it and want it, and you have a sweet dolly who needs it :)


  1. that looks like a christmas present for myra. haha.

  2. BINGO !

    It's hers. Does she still play with her dolls ?

  3. HAha, are you kidding! She lives for dolls! I just sent you a picture of her from right this second. She carries that doll around ALL the time. Dad got a bunch of scuffs on her head! He accidentally flipped her stroller! Anyway she puts her down for naps and stuff during the day. I think we're going to ask Jon's mom to get her the crib that american girl makes to go with her.

  4. Cool !

    I will stick it into the humungo box headed your way.
