Nothing much is going on in the way of quilting. I am still waiting on the blankets that I have out at the quilters. It's been 4 weeks now and I am starting to get anxious.
This quilt is one of my very first ones, if not the first. Ryan was getting ready to donate a huge pile of button down shirts and I snagged them and cut them all up and into this quilt.
Quite a few of the shirts had special meanings. The yellow and black checkered one he wore on our second date. The light blue one with the sailboats he wore with Kegan when we had our first family photos taken. You get the picture.
I finished this top and I kid you not, it hung in the closet for over an entire year. I had no idea how to quilt it, or bind it. NO IDEA. Finally one day I was talking to a co-worker who had just started to quilt and I told her about the top and she said she would finish it for me.

Nothing fancy. Plain blue backing and binding with a straight stitch to quilt it all. The finished size is really odd. 48" by 77". Almost big enough to fit a twin bed but not really.
It's one of my favorites. The top is so soft and worn, the shirts remind me of my husband and it's just the right size to lay with on the couch.
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