This is another sewing technique I have been wanting to try.

Paper piecing. Essentially you cut some paper (I used regular copy paper) and you then sew your fabric directly onto the paper and it acts as a stabilizer.

To make this string quilt, I had to use small strips of fabric (anywhere from an inch to two inches thick) sewn together, the paper makes it easier. After you get all the fabric sewn on, you flip the paper over to the "wrong" side, trim off the excess fabric and then you peel away the paper.

Theoretically the paper should be perforated from the needle of the sewing machine and fairly easy to tear off. Of course that did not happen for me. I think if I had used stitches that were closer together that might have been the case.
Instead I used some seldom used curse words, slivers of torn paper everywhere and eventually dug out some tweezers to pull out the small scraps.
Each block ended up being 8 inches in size, and I made 12 blocks total. I was going to make a quilt, but I am debating on whether to make a wall hanging for my youngest sons room.
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