That was kind of a mouthful, huh ?

My husband went away to attend a school for a few weeks and I needed a project that would keep my busy and occupied. This one did the trick.

I used almost all scraps, if I remember correctly each block was 15"x15", added the white sashing to break up all that color.

I quilted it using my free motion foot and made semi straight lines with uneven widths. I wanted this quilt to look loved and a little "messy". It's going to get a lot of use this summer.

It's a toss up as to whether I love the front or the back more. I am leaning towards the back ! Love this fabric from Ikea. In fact I was just there and bought three more yards (in additional to the yard and a half, tucked away in my fabric collection. )

This one is a keeper. It's coming to Maine with us this summer.
If I can't steal it I at least want my picture taken w/ it.
You betcha. Lots of lots of pictures.
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